Good news for ration card holders, now only these people will get ration worth ₹ 2000

Ration Card: A ration card is a key document issued by the Government of India. It is extremely important and is used to avail of any government scheme. Low-priced food items like rice, wheat, pulses, and sugar are provided to poor and needy families so that no family remains without food.

What is a ration card?

Ration cards are a government identity for those who cannot buy food items at high market prices. These people can buy grains at cheaper prices from government stores and live happily.

Ration card objectives

  • Low-price availability of food items through ration cards.
  • It is also a government identity card.
  • Utilization avails benefits under government schemes.
  • Security for the poor families.

How to apply for a ration card?

  • First of all, check all your documents Aadhar card, residence certificate, income certificate, and photo.
  • Next, you will visit the food department of your area for the form or fill it in online.
  • Then attach all the documents with the form you have filled.
  • Submit the filled form to the food department.
  • Application information will be available from the website or offices.

Types of ration card

The following are the ration card types.

  1. Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY)

This card is for the very poor family.

It can avail 35 kg of grain every month from this.

  1. Priority Family (PHH)

It provides 5 kg of ration per person as per their eligibility.

  1. BPL ration card

It is meant for below-poverty families.

  1. APL ration card

This is for giving some governmental assistance to the families above the poverty line.

  1. Annapurna Yojana (AY)

This is for the aged poor, above 65 years of age.

Benefits of ration card

A ration card is given so that people would need to pay less for essential items and benefit from government schemes. This increases their economic position and provides social security.

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